Charlie Eleanor Awbery

Leadership Coaching with Charlie

You’re passionate about your life and you want results. Emotions are important for you: spacious involvement in life’s complexity appeals. You’d like to embrace the full spectrum of your embodied experience, with presence, authenticity, and ease. You care about finding new ways of being and in maximizing your impact anywhere, any time.

I can guide you through handling sensitive dialogue with confidence, clarity, and kindness. Coaching with me is deeply transformative; it will lead to tangible outcomes in your world. You'll find results in fullness of being: creative, playful, powerful impact at home, in work, and in society. This kind of change takes time and commitment: it takes a willingness to explore different perspectives, to experiment with unfamiliar ways of being.


“Fit” matters when looking for a personal coach, because the learning process is individual and interactive. Personality is important here; it features as an aspect of the coaching relationship. Style and approach differ from one coach to another. With me, you learn through playful exploration, curiosity, and supportive challenge.

You enjoy experimenting with interactive methods and suggestions for intentional practice. In our coaching sessions, we will approach all methods in terms of their intended effects—that is, what they are designed to do and what happens when you engage with them. You will explore the details of your real life experiments and fine-tune according to results.

As our coaching relationship develops, we will look at how your life and coaching interact. What do you want to change? What are the patterns of interaction that limit your freedom, self-expression, and presence? How might practicing with your expectations, familiar interactive patterns, and emotions transform your day-to-day experience?

It’s likely that you prefer to take a metasystematic approach towards your leadership coaching. That means you don’t expect to work inside a single, universal system, and that you want help to discover what frameworks and methods are appropriate for your circumstances. Usually, our conversations are exploratory. You like asking questions and receiving them. You enjoy experimenting with different and new language and engaging with multiple frameworks.


I train powerful, kind, responsible leaders; people who are inspiring and inspired to do cool stuff in the world. If that moves you, ask me for a conversation. Tell me about your work and life experience and why you want coaching.

My clients are CEOs, founders, AI researchers, engineers, professors, musicians, and coaches. Many have a STEM education.

Before you become a client, we’ll have a conversation to discuss whether we’re a good fit for each other. That gives you the opportunity to reflect, and plenty for us to explore. In our initial meeting, I’ll ask you to talk about your challenges and how they fit with your life; what’s working and what's not working for you. I might ask for more detail about something you say, or we might take a deep dive on an aspect of your work or life that seems important.

I’ve coached clients in senior management positions in global companies, and have helped with transitions to senior management from project management.

I’m particularly interested in working at the intersection of psychological stage development, leadership training, and somatic and meditation practices. We may move between these various frames of reference in our coaching conversations.

I also provide group training programs. If you’d like to organize group training ask me for a conversation and we can talk about your desired content and schedule.


I always reply to coaching requests within two days… so if you don’t hear from me, something’s gone wrong! Check your spam box for my email and get back to me if there’s a problem.